- Section 3.1: Founding Officers. The Founding Officers of the Association are Natale G. De Santo, Shaul G. Massry and Garabed Eknoyan.
- Section 3.2: The Founding Officers of the Association shall appoint a Nominating Committee charged with nominating the first slate of Officers and Councilors.
- Section 3.3: The Officers of the Association shall be a President, past-President, President-Elect, and a Secretary-Treasurer. Except for the Past-President, all officers will be elected for a term of three years at the Business Meeting of the Association. The term of president shall be three years, and a person may serve only one term as President. Candidates nominated for President-Elect shall be chosen from current members of the Council who have served continuously for at least three years but no more than six years. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be nominated from current members of the Council. No one shall serve on the Council as an officer or councilor for more than nine years except for a President whose term as President begins in the seventh year of the term on Council or a Secretary-Treasurer who, after completing no more than three years on the council, has been elected President-Elect. In such cases, these individuals may continue to serve on the Council as Past-President from years 9 to 12.
- Section 3.4: The Officers shall have the powers and duties customarily incident to their respective offices in similar organizations and such responsibilities as may be delegated to them by the Council. The power and the duties of the officers shall be:
3.4.a. President: The President shall preside at meetings of the Council and at Membership Meetings. The President shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Association and shall appoint such Committees as are deemed necessary for the operation of the Association and shall serve as ex-officio member all such Committees. The President shall be responsible for the programs of the Association.
3.4.b. Past-President: The Past-President shall serve on the Council, shall chair the Nominating Committee, and shall serve in any other capacities as designated by the President.
3.4.c. President-Elect: At the request of the President, or in the event of the President’s absence, disability, resignation or removal, the President-Elect shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President. Additionally, the President-Elect shall have such other powers as may be vested in him, or shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him, by the President.
3.4.d. Secretary-Treasurer: The Secretary-Treasurer shall have charge of such books, documents and papers as the Association may possess, and shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Council and of the Members. The Secretary-Treasurer shall also maintain a listing of all Members and their addresses, and shall receive, and maintain minutes of the meetings of each of the standing and ad hoc Committees.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall have custody of all funds and property of the Association, shall endorse for deposit in the Association’s account(s) all checks and other financial instruments, shall sign all receipts and vouchers and all checks issued by the Association. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep full and accurate account of all monies received and obligations paid or incurred by the Association. Finally, the Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for carrying out all such audits, and filing all such reports as may be required by Local, State or Federal Laws.
- Section 3.5: Executive Committee. The affairs of the Society will be conducted by an executive Committee composed of the President, Past-President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer and one other member of the Council appointed by the President. For the first three years of the Association, in the absence of a Past-President, the President will appoint two members of the Council to the Executive Committee.
- Section 3.6: Officers of the Association shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in behalf of the Association, and shall be indemnified against all costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by reason of serving as an officer of the Association.