
More than 300 original papers were published in the years 1994-2014 in American Journal of Nephrology and in Journal of Nephrology. The Proceedings of the Founding Conference, and  of the Congresses in Kos, Padua, and Taormina were published in regular issues of  American Journal of Nephrology. At that time Shaul G. Massry was Editor in Chief of that Journal and established—a primacy—a section on History in  a nephrological journal appointing Garabed Eknoyan  sectional editor.The Proceedings of the above congresses were also published as Special Monographs of Karger (Basel), as History of Nephrology (nos. 1-4).

The proceedings of the Congresses in Cassino, Gdansk, Taormina, Torun,  and  Ancient Olympia-Patra  were published in Jounal of Nephrology, the Journal of the Italian Society of Nephrology, due to the support of  Giuseppe D’Amico (Editor in Chief), Carmine Zoccali (Deputy Editor in Chief), Francesca Mallamaci (Editor in Chief) and Giovanni Gambaro (Editor in Chief). The proceeding of the Congresses in Cassino,  Gdansk, and Ancient Olympia-Patra were also published  in a series  on History of Nephrology of Wichtig  Editore Medical Publisher, Milan.


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Naples , October 28-29, 1993, Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies

“ Herbals and Botanical Books of the XV-XVI Century”, Curator and catalogue by Prof. Paolo De Luca, Department of Botany, University Federico Ii , Naples.

Montecassino Abbey, October 30, 1993

1). Library of the Abbey

A).  “Codices artis medicae qui in qui in tabulario casinensis asservantur/Codices on the Art of Medicine in the Montecassino Abbey. I Symposium Historiae Nephrologicae, Neapoly, Montis Casini XXX Octobris MCMXCIII, Curator and catalogue Father Faustino Avagliano (1).

See Catalogue:

B). Transcription of “Codex casinensis  69, page“Incipiunt indicia valetudininum Yppocratis” (page 570), by Father Faustino Avagliano (2).

  1. Cloister of the Abbey

“Exibition of plants described by Pliny the Elder for the treatment of renal diseases”. Curator and catalogue M. De Matteis Tortora, Orto Botanico of Naples (3).

Taormina, November 18-20, 2002,  Small Cloister of the Hotel Sandomenico

“Plants from Dioscorides’ De materia medica with illustrations from Greek and Arabic Manuscripts [A.D.512-15th century]” – Curators: Alain Touwaide, Natale Gaspare De Santo, Guido Bellinghieri, Vincenzo Savica (4).


  1. Coward A, Eknoyan G, De Santo NG. Codices of the Art of Medicine in the Montecassino Archives. Am J nephrol 1994; 14:488-93.
  2. Avagliano F. Codex Casinens 69: Anonymi Varia Excerpta Medica (Saec. IX). Am J nephrol 1994; 14: 494-495.
  3. De Matteis Tortora M. Some plants Decribed by Plini for the Treatment of Renal Diseases. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14: 412-417.
  4. Touwaide A, De Santo NG, Bellinghieri G, Savica V. Healing Renal Diseases in Antiquity. Bios, Cosenza, 20001, 22022
Posted by Carmela Bisaccia
  1. Stefanidis I, Nikolaou E, Filippidis G, Valiakos E, Diamandopoulos A. Miraculous renal healing in the church of the Life-Giving Spring in Costantinople Compendium (1812) from the original by Nikiphoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos (1256-1335). Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S267-S270.
  1. Hadjigeorgiou G, Nikolaou E, Golphinopoulos S, Diamandopoulos A, Stefanidis I. Saint hieromartyr Therapon Bishop of ancient Kition, Cyprus, Healer of kidney pains. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S263-S266.
  1. Balat A, Aciduman A. Sha bān Shifā’ī of Ayash and his observations and suggestions for nephrological problems in children. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S257-S262.
  1. Aciduman A, Balat A. A study on chapters related to nephrology in Qıtaātu neqāve fī tercemeti kelimāti Boerhāve by Subhī-zāde Abd al-Azīz Efendi in the eighteenth century. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S250-256.
  1. Aciduman A, Aşkit Ç. What did al-Rāzī (Rhazes) quote from Philagrius on kidney diseases in Kitāb al- āwī fī al- Ṭibb (Liber Continens). Arch Hell Med 2020; 37 (S2):S242-S249. 
  1. San A. The history of peritoneal dialysis in Turkey. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37 (S2):S237-S241.
  1. San A, Tonbul HZ. The history of haemodialysis in Turkey. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S231-S236.
  1. Roumeliotis S, Roumeliotis A, Vaios V, Leivaditis K, Liacopoulos V. Historical misconceptions in peritoneal dialysis. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S226-S230.
  1. Paschou S, Spanos G, Fragkidis S, Bantis C, Armentzoiu K, Tsantekidou E, Dontsos C, Tsirelis T, Theodorou N, Tzovaras D, Bamichas G. Electronic health services in end-stage renal disease. From Galen to the 20th century. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S221-S225.     
  1. Bakr MA, Abbas MH, Elmowafy AY. History of nephrology in the Arab World. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S214-S220.
  1. Bakr MA, Elmowafy AY, Abbas MH. History of renal transplantation in the Arab World. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S208-S213.
  1. Abd EIHafeez S, Dounousi E, Barsoum R. A journey through the history of dialysis in sub-Saharan Africa. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S203-S207.
  1. Viggiano D, De Santo NG, Simonelli F, Capasso G. Another case of organ blindness in the history of combined eye-kidney disorders. Wilson’s disease. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S197-S202.
  1. Barroso MDS. Nephro-urology in Greek-Roman medicine. A solid catheter from the Lisbon National Museum of Archaeology. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S192-S196.
  1. Eknoyan G, Airy M. A historical appraisal of lupus nephritis. Arch Hell Med 2020;37(S2):187-191.
  1. Gembillo G, Bellinghieri G, Savica V, Satta E, Salvo A, Santoro D. Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria. From the first case to the current complement inhibition therapies. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S182-S186.
  1. De Santo NG, Bisaccia C, De Santo LS. Papal deaths caused by cardiorenal disease. First approach. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S177-S181.
  1. Grivas C. Urolithiasis and hypertension. The apparent and the hidden in the Ancient Greek and Oriental medical tradition. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S171-S176.
  1. Li HY, Huang X, Appetiti E, Grivas C. Research on the kidney and hair loss based on ancient Chinese medical literature. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S166-S170.
  1. Bammi J. The treatment of urinary diseases in Maroccan traditional pharmacopoeia. Elements of ethnology and historical epistemology. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S156-S165.
  1. İşlek İ, Gültekin E, Pala E, İzguer AZ, Balat A. Ibn Al-Baitar. A 13th century botanical scientist and his suggestions on urinary tract problems. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S148-S155.
  1. Ptinopoulou A, Tsiampalis N, Rigkos M. Urinary bladder lithiasis treatment in the “Mega Dynameron”. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S143-S147.
  1. Valiakos E. Herbal prescriptions for the treatment of kidney diseases in the Bizantine era. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S139-S142.
  1. Marselos M. Nephrology in an Alexandrian manuscript of late antiquity. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S129-S138.
  1. Stefanidis I, Nikolaou E, Karasavvidou F, Eleftheriadis T, Diamandopoulos A. The hard way from bench to bedside. History lessons from the pathogenesis of idiopathic membranous nephropathy (MN). Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S125-S128.
  1. Koulouridis E, Koulouridis I. Chloride anion and sodium sensitive hypertension. A historical review. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S117-S124.
  1. Iorio L, Lamagna M. Erythropoietin, a first intuition of renal secretion by Giustiniano Nicolucci. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S114-S116.
  1. Bellinghieri G, Gembillo G, Satta E, Salvo A, Savica V, Santoro D. The role of the microscope in renal disease as described in Giulio Bizzozero’s handbook of clinical microscopy. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S108-S113.
  1. Savica V, Duro G, Bellinghieri G. Urine colour variation in internal diseases according to Enrico Cauchi. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S104-S107.
  1. Diamandopoulos A. Urine specific gravity according to ancient and medieval Greek sources. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S97-S103.
  1. Provatopoulou S, Zirogiannis PN. Hippocrates’ Aphorisms on nephrology and the application of his Spirit for caring renal patients. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S93-S96.
  1. Solez K, Moghe I, Wang QY, Hu R, Solez KB, Cameron JS. Nephrology’s history is alive and well and helps predict the future. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S89-S92.
  1. Bacharaki D, Diamandopoulos A. The Emperor’s new clothes in nephrology. Past and present. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S85-S88.
  1. De Santo NG. Nephrology: a prototype of a discipline evolving into complexity. The border with philosophy. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S80-S84.
  1. Cameron JS. Leonard George Rowntree (1883-1959). A near-forgotten father of NorthAmerican nephrology. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S74-S79.
  1. Ostrowski J. Professor Andrzej Biernacki. Precursor of Nephrology in Poland. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S68-S73.
  1. Ostrowski J, Rutkowski B, Rutkowski P. Ludwik Hirszfeld (1884-1954) – Pioneer of blood type testing. Significance for organ transplants. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):63-S67.
  1. Kurkus J, Keussen I. The Seldinger technique – the vascular access method Nephrology application. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S57-S62.
  1. Russo F, Russo M, De Santo LS, Mezzogiorno A, De Santo NG. Vincenzo Diamare (1871-1966) and the priority for the discovery of the endocrine function of the pancreas (1895). Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S53-S56.
  1. Ostrowski J, Żmudzki P. Kidney diseases in the mediaeval work “Michi Competit” by Thomas of Wroclaw. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S47-S52.
  1. Turner AN. Three hundred years of Nephrology in Scotland. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S42-S46.
  1. Andronikidi PE, Psimenos G, Apostolou T. Hippocrates Yatzidis. A great yet humble Greek Professor to remember. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S38-S41.
  1. Mountokalakis TD. Greek giants in Nephrology. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S33-S37.
  1. Phillips ME. Dr Richard Bright. A reminder from a family link. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S30-S32.
  1. Oreopoulos A. Dimitris Oreopoulos, my father. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S29.
  1. Derzsiová K. Professor Miroslav Mydlík, MD, DSc. (1932-2018). A scientist. Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S22-S28.
  1. Cameron JS. In memoriam Charles Raymond Pax George (1940-2019). Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S20-S21.
  1. Diamandopoulos A. Introduction (Archaeology’s and Nephrology’s errata). Arch Hell Med 2020; 37(S2):S12-S19.
  1. De Santo NG, De Santo RM. Avvocato Gerardo Marotta (Naples April 26, 1927 – January 25, 2017): in memoriam. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S150-S158.
  1. Kalientzidou M, Diamandopoulos AA. The application of philosophy and history of medicine in current medical practice. The Nephrotic Syndrome Example. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S146-S149.
  1. Dułava J, Kokot M. Water immersion model in nephrology: from hydrotherapy to weightlessness. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):143-145.
  1. George CRP. The Rise and Fall of Acute Tubular Necrosis – An exercise in medical semiotics. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S138-S142.
  1. İşlek İ, Atlı H, Argun M, Küçük M, Balat A. Urine analysis of the 20th century Ottoman royal palace members and their interpretation: samples from ‘Prime ministry Ottoman archives. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S135-S137.
  1. Balat A, Aciduman A. Urolithiasis from the point of view of the head physician of Ottoman emperors: Ahi Ahmed Çelebi. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S131-S134.
  1. Savica V, Ricciardi CA, Bellinghieri P, Duro G, Ricciardi B, Bellinghieri G. The historical relevance of urine and the future implications. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S128-S130.
  1. Bednarek-Skublewska A, Woliński A. Uromodulin and its two discoverers: Igor Tamm and Frank Lappin Horsfall, Jr. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S125-S127.
  1. Mydlik M, Opatrná S, Derzsiová K. The contribution of Professor Karel Opatrný(1954-2006) to nephrology. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S122-S124.
  1. Derzsiová K, Mydlik M. The contribution to nephrology of Professor Josef Erben (1926-2015). G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S120-S121.
  1. Grenda R, Pańczyk-Tomaszewska M, Żurowska A. Pioneer women in Pediatric Nephrology In Poland. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S117-S119.
  1. Savica V, Bellinghieri G. Filippo Romeo (1908-1981): a pioneer and teacher of nephrology at Messina University. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S115-S116.
  1. Smogorzewski M. Works of Napoleon Cybulski (1859-1919) and Władysław Szymonowicz (1869-1939) on Adrenal Function. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):112-114.
  1. Stefanidis J, Filippidis G, Diamandopoulos AA. Remedies for kidney ailments in the “Botany

        Practical” (1838) by Dionysios Pyrros the Thessalian (1774-1853). G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70): S109-S111.

  1. Bellinghieri G, Bellinghieri P, Santoro D, Gembillo G, Savica V. The management of renal stones in Ratio medendi in nosocomio practico (1773) of Anton De Haen (1704-1776). G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S105-S108.
  1. Ostrowski J, Muszytowski M, Rutkowski P, Rutkowski B. Treatment of the urinary tract diseases in the 16th –century work Cieplice (Thermal Springs) by Wojciech Oczko (1537-1599). G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S101-S104.
  1. Viggiano D, Zacchia M, Simonelli F, Di Iorio V, Anastasio P, Capasso G, De Santo NG. The renal lesions in Bardet-Biedl Syndrome: history before and after the discovery of BBS genes. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S95-S100.   
  1. Twardowski ZJ. PD catheters: evolution towards optimal design. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70): S90-S94.
  1. Nowicki M, Pęczek K. History of Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents use for the treatment of Renal anemia in Poland. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S87-S89.
  1. Durlik M. History of kidney transplantation in Poland. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S84-S86.
  1. Ardaillou R. The history of renal transplantation in France. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S80-S83.
  1. Cameron JS. The Prehistory of Transplantation: up to the 1950s. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70): S69-S79.
  1. Rutkowski B, Ostrowski J, Więcek A. History of the Polish Society of Nephrology. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S65-S68.
  1. Gojowy D, Więcek A. The History of the European Renal Association – European Dialysis and Transplant Association. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S61-S64.
  1. Rutkowski P, Ostrowski J, Dębska-Ślizień A, Rutkowski B. Nobel Prize Winners Who Contributed to Transplantation. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S55-S60.
  1. Ostrowski J. Nils Alwall and his input into development of Polish haemodialysis. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S50-S54.
  1. Cameron JS. Nils Alwall – a personal appreciation. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):44-49.
  1. Kurkus J. Nils Alwall – one of precursors of dialysis treatment. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70): S38-S43.
  1. De Santo NG, Quarto E, Phillips ME, de Pascale C, Di Iorio B. Carmelo Giordano (1930-2016): uremia therapy by low protein alimentation and sorbents. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70): S29-S37.
  1. Bisaccia C, De Santo LS, De Santo NG. Léon Ambard (1876-1962): his priority in using urea as a tool for assessment of kidney function in healthy subjects and in patients undergoing renal surgery. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S23-S28.
  1. Eknoyan G. On the contributions of Fernand Widal to the classification of chronic kidney disease. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S18-S22.
  1. Aciduman A, Balat A. Aphorisms related to nephrological subjects in Rhazes’ Kitāb al-Murshid aw al-Fuşūl (The Guide Book or The Book of Aphorisms). G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70): S14-S17.
  1. Diamandopoulos AA. The use of Water for the treatment of Kidney Disorders. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S9-S13.
  1. Diamandopoulos AA. A second (understandable) error by Aristotle in comparing the location of the human left kidney with that of a cow. G Ital Nefrol 2018; 35(S70):S5-S8.
  1. Ricciardi B, Ricciardi E, Ricciardi CA. Arnaldo Da Villanova medieval physician(1235-1311). A first approach. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S147-S151.
  1. De Santo NG, Bisaccia C, Ricciardi B, Anastasio P, Aliotta G, Di Iorio BR, Ongaro G. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S136-146.
  1. Diamandopoulos A. The Transnationalism of Nephrological Treatises during the Middle Age. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S129-S135.
  1. Ricciardi E, Ricciardi CA, Ricciardi B. Treatment of kidney diseases in the thermal springs of Pithecusa during the XVIII Century. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S127-S128.
  1. Ostrowski J, Rutkowski B. Herbal treatment of the urinary system diseases based on 16th and 17th century herbals in Poland. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S120-S126.
  1. Aliotta G, De Santo NG, Iorio L. Diuretic plants in the Bible: ethnobotanical aspects. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S114-S119.
  1. Ricciardi CA, Ricciardi E, Visconti L, Lacquaniti A, Savica V, Santoro D, Buemi M, Ricciardi B. The concept of the urine test and specific reaction of the urine in various diseases according to Enrico Cauchi – member of the medical council of Malta. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S110-S113.
  1. Savica V, Duro G, Bellinghieri G. Between the utility and hazards of phosphorus through the centuries. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S107-S109.
  1. Duranton F, Jankowski J, Wiecek A, Argilés. On the discovery of UREA. Identification, Synthesis and observations that let establishing the first uraemic retention solute. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S104-S106.
  1. Heidland A, Ritz E, Lang F. The Joint Society of Nephrology in Germany, Switzerland and Austria – Five Decades of Successful Activities.G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S98-S103.
  1. Muszytowski M, Ostrowski J, Rutkowski B. Great figures of Polish Nephrology – Participants of the Warsaw Uprising 1944. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S95-S97.
  1. Mydlik M, Derzsiová K. Associate Professor Eduard Neubauer: the first nephrologist in Slovak Republic. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S93-S94.
  1. Derzsiová K, Mydlic M. Professor Rastislav Dzúrik: the Man and the Scientist. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S90-S92.
  1. Sabbadin C, Calò LA. The story of spironolactones from 1957 to now: from sodium balance to Inflammation. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S86-S89.
  1. Bartmańska M, Więcek A. Chronic kidney disease and the aging population. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S82-S85.
  1. Balat A. Tear drops of kidney: a historical overview of Polycystic Kidney Disease. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S76-S81.
  1. Gaggi M, El-Hadi S, Aigner C, Sunder-Plassmann G. The Renal History of Fabry Disease. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S72-S75.
  1. Valenti G. History of Diabetes Insipidus. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S66-S71.
  1. Bisaccia C, De Santo NG, De Santo LS. Antonino D’Antona was the first in describing the crush syndrome with renal failure following the Messina earthquake of December 28, 1908. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S59-S65.
  1. Almond M. Professor Eric G.L. Bywaters, Acute Kidney Injury and the “forgotten” letter. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S56-S58.
  1. Bellinghieri G. The management of kidney stones as suggested by Goeury-Duvivier, G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S53-S55.
  1. Aciduman A. On pains of the kidney and the bladder in Kitāb al-Tajārib by Rhazes. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S48-S52.
  1. George Charles R.P. John Dique: dialysis pioneer and political advocate. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S43-S47.
  1. Cameron Stewart J. The prehistory of haemodialysis as a treatment of uraemia. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S29-S42.
  1. Ardaillou R. Gabriel Richet: the Man and the Scientist. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S24-S28.
  1. Phillips M.E. Hugh de Vardener – the Man and the Scientist. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S21-S23.
  1. Smogorzewski Miroslaw J. William Osler and investigation on trench nephritis. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S17-S20.
  1. Sgambato F. Jacques Loeb (1859-1924) and His Forgotten Contributions to Electrolyte and Acid-Base Physiology in The Organism as a Whole. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S11-S16.
  1. Eknoyan G. Stephen Hales: the contributions of an Enleightenment physiologist to the study of the kidney in health and disease. G Ital Nefrol 2016; 33(S66):S4-S10.
  1. Poulakou-Rebelakou E, Tsiamis C. Spyros Marketos (1931-2012): medical historian and nephrologist. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S215-S216.
  1. Turner AN. Impact of the Internet on disseminating information on the history of nephrology. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S2012-S214.
  1. Montano A, Marotta G, De Santo NG. Academies and universities in a time of economic crisis in Europe (1550-1700): the case of the Padua Studium. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S203-S211.
  1. Diamandopoulos AA. The “Other” Olympic Games: the view of the medical doctor. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S198-S202.
  1. Gordetsky J, Westesson K, Rabinowitz R, O’Brien J. Wine and Honey: the oldest of medicines. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S192-S197.
  1. Balat A. From past to present: traditional herbs used in the treatment of nephrologic diseases in southeast Turkey. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S187-S191.
  1. Aliotta G, De Santo NG, Ongaro G, Pollio A. Some useful plants for renal therapy listed in De Plantis Aegypti Liber by Prospero Alpini in the 16th century: modern considerations. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22)S180-S186.
  1. Touwaide A. Epidemiology and treatment of kidney conditions in antiquity. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S175-S179.
  1. El Matri A. History of nephrology in Mediterranean Arab countries. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22): S170-S174.
  1. San A. Nephrological knowledge in Turkey during the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S164-S169.
  1. Baran D. A translational history of nephrology in Romania: East-West feedback relationships. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S159-S163.
  1. Šimon F. History of the term “pelvis renalis”. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S156-158.
  1. Hamilton D. Lessons from the history of transplantation. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S153-155.
  1. Di Iorio B, De Santo NG, Anastasio P, Perna A, Pollastro MR, Di Micco L, Cirillo M. The Giordano-Giovannetti diet. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S143-S152.
  1. Santoro D, Passantino A, Ricciardi CA, Savica V, Bellinghieri G. Diuretics in the “Istituzioni di Materia Medica e Terapeutica” (1862-1864) by Giovanni Pagano of Naples. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22): S139-S142.
  1. Calò LA, D’Angelo A, Savica V, Marson P. De Lapidibus podagra et chiragra in humano corpore productis (Rome, 1699) : the contribution of Giovanni Battista Condoli to the description and classification of urinary tract stones. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S136-S138.
  1. Bisaccia C, Richet G, De Santo RM, Cirillo M, Mezzogiorno A, De Santo NG, von Engelhardt D. The renal stone disease of Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592). J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22): S124-S135.
  1. De Santo NG, Aliotta G, Bisaccia C, Di Iorio B, Cirillo M, Ricciardi B, Savica V, Ongaro G. De Medicina Aegyptiorum by Prospero Alpini (Venice, Franciscus de Franciscis, 1591). J Nephol 2013; 26(S22):S117-S123.
  1. Savica V, Santoro D, Ricciardi B, Ricciardi CA, Calò LA, Bellinghieri G. Morbus dominorum: gout as the disease of lords. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S113-S116.
  1. Fourtunas C. Perceptions of gout (podagra) during the Byzantine era, with a special focus on a poem by Michael Psellus. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S110-S112.
  1. Heidland A. The legacy of Karl Julius Ullrich (1925-2010). J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S103-S109.
  1. Derzsiová K, Mydlík M. Professor Albert Válek (1925-1995) and his contribution to Czech and Slovak nephrology. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S99-S102.
  1. Mezzogiorno A, De Santo NG, Bisaccia C, Di Iorio B, Cirillo M, Savica V, Ricciardi B, Menditti D, Richet G. Exupère-Joseph Bertin (1712-1781) and his description of the “petits siphons recourbez” (Henle’s loops, a century earlier). J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S93-S98.
  1. Richet G, Bisaccia C, De Santo NG, Pasquarella M, Mezzogiorno A. Antoine Ferrein (1693-1769) and his “tuyaux blancs”. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S90-S92.
  1. Mydlík M, Derzsiová K, Frank K. “The Kidneys” by Jan Brod: the impact of the textbook on nephrology. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S87-S89.
  1. Harrington JT. Strauss and Welt’s Diseases of the Kidney: a tale of 2 cities, 1963. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S82-S86.
  1. Cameron S, Neild GH. Oliver and Feigl: 2 forgotten fathers of “stick” testing of urine for albumin. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S77-S81.
  1. De Santo NG, Di Iorio B, Aliotta G, Lacedelli Colussi G, Bisaccia C, Di Micco L, Cirillo M, Ongaro G. Prognosis of life and death and disease duration from urine examination according to Prospero Alpini (1563-1616). J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S66-S76.
  1. Diamandopoulos AA. First introduction of uroscopy bottle (matula) into the imagery of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Orthodox post-Byzantine Greece. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S63-S65.
  1. Sorokina TS. Eugeny Tareyev (1895-1986), a founding pioneer of nephrology in Russia and Europe. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S60-S62.
  1. Ostrowski J, Rutkowski B. Samuel Goldflam (1852-1932), world-famous neurologist, and his contribution to the development of nephrology. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S55-S59.
  1. Ostrowski J, Rutkowski B. Józef Dietl (1804-1878), outstanding internist and reformer of the medical sciences, and his contribution to nephrology. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S50-S54.
  1. Smogorzewski M. Science on the kidney in early 19th-century Europe, based on the work of Jedrzej Sniadecki and Jons J. Berzelius. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S45-S49.
  1. Rutkowski B, Ostrowski J. Jędrzej Śniadecki (1768-1838) and his flirtation with nephrology. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S40-S44.
  1. De Santo NG, Cirillo M, Bisaccia C, Mezzogiorno A, Pišot R, Ongaro G. Twenty-six renal aphorisms of Santorio Santorio. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S30-S39.
  1. Panteleakos G, Tsiamis C, Poulakou-Rebelakou E. Concepts of nephrology in the work of Nemesius of Emesa (4th century AD). J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S28-S29.
  1. Diamandopoulos AA. Semblances of the kidneys according to ancient Greek writers. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S23-S27.
  1. Eknoyan G. The quest for certitude in medicine and nephrology. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S18-S22.
  1. Fine LG. A 2000-year history of nephrology: 10 enduring scientific landmarks. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S6-S17.
  1. De Santo NG, Di Iorio B, Diamandopoulos AA, Bellinghieri G, Rutkowski B. Timeline for a humanistic nephrology. J Nephrol 2013; 26(S22):S1-S5.
  1. Santoro D, Bellinghieri G, Savica V. Development of the concept of pain in history. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S133-S136.
  1. George CRP. Mercury and the kidney. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S126-S132.
  1. Savica V, Calò LA, Santoro D, Monardo P, Mallamace A, Bellinghieri G. Urine therapy through the centuries. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S123-S125.
  1. Goudas PC, Diamandopoulos AA. On some exotic urine colors in ancient and Byzantine Greek literature. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S114-S122.
  1. Touwaide A. A 15th-century treatise on kidney affections and their treatment? A first approach. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S108-S113.
  1. Iorio L, Lamagna M. Byzantine doctrines on uroscopy in the Liber Orinalibus of Hermogenes (codex 69 Montecassino). J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S103-S107.
  1. Massry SG. History of circumcision: a religious obligation or a medical necessity. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S100-S102.
  1. Kuzminskis V, Rosenberg M, Černevskis H, Bumblyte IA. History of renal replacement therapy in Baltic countries. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S97-S99.
  1. Lee HB. History of nephrology and renal replacement therapy in Korea. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S93-S96.
  1. Ostrowski J, Rutkowski B, Muszytowski M. Unknown Polish pioneers of peritoneal dialysis. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S89-S92.
  1. Blagg CR. The 50th anniversary of long-term hemodialysis: University of Washington Hospital, March 9th, 1960. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S84-S88.
  1. Diamandopoulos AA, Goudas PC. Tracing the roots of the idea of dialysis: a leap of 20 centuries – from “catharsis” to dialysis. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S78-S83.
  1. Mydlík M. Jan Brod and his contributions to hypertension and nephrology. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S73-S77.
  1. Smogorzewski MJ. Tadeusz Orłowski: founder of nephrology and kidney transplantation in Poland. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S66-S72.
  1. Boulton FE. Thomas Addis, MD (1881-1949): Scottish-American clinical laboratory researcher, social activist and pioneer of renal medicine. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S62-S65.
  1. Ostrowski J, Muszytowski M. Leon Marchlewski: one of the precursors of clinical chemistry. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S58-S61.
  1. Heidland A, Klassen A, Fazeli G, Sebekova K, Bahner U. Karl Peter’s fundamental contribution to the structural organization of the kidney. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S51-S57.
  1. Bisaccia C, De Santo NG, Cirillo M, Perna A, De Santo R, Richet G. Nephrology in A Medicinal Dictionary of Robert James (1703-1776). J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S37-S50.
  1. Popowska-Drojecka J, Muszytowski M, Rutkowski B. Was the famous astronomer Copernicus also a nephrologists?. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S33-S36.
  1. Rutkowski B, Muszytowski M. Nicolaus Copernicus: not only a great astronomer but also a physician. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S25-S32.
  1. De Santo NG, Bisaccia C, Cirillo M, Richet G. Medicine in the Encyclopédie (1751-1780) of Diderot and D’Alembert. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S12-S24.
  1. Eknoyan G. Jean-Martin Charcot: neurologist by avocation, nephrologist by yearning. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S04-S11.
  1. Eknoyan G, Rutkowski B, Bellinghieri G, Massry SG, Muszytowski M, De Santo NG. On the usefulness of the history of nephrology. J Nephrol 2011; 24(S17):S01-S03.
  1. De Santo NG, Fromm M, Russo F, Wiederholt M. Klaus Hierholzer (1929-2007) and his impact on our understanding of the renal effects of steroid hormones. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S159-178.
  1. Vernaglione L. The Mediterranean diet: a matter of history, tradition, culture and health. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S149-S158.
  1. Mydlik M, Derzsiová K, Vaió J. Nephrology and Doctors Honoris Causa at P. J. Šafárik University in Košice in the years 1993-2006 (Slovak Republic). J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S143-S148.
  1. Francini-Pesenti F, Calò LA, Fiore C, Mormino P, Savica V, Davis PA. Diet and the kidney. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S139-S142.
  1. Cirillo M, Del Giudice L, Bilancio G, Franzese MD, De Santo NG. Low salt diet and treatment of hypertension: an old story. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S136-S138.
  1. Richet G. Francophone clinical nephrology from 1945 to 1960. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S129-S135.
  1. George CRP. Blackwater fever: the rise and fall of an exotic disease. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S120-S128.
  1. Blagg CR. Thomas Addis, 1881-1949, clinical scientist, hematologist and pioneering nephrologist: a brief biography. J Nephrol 2009; 22 (S14):S115-S119.
  1. Smogorzewski M. Historical perspective on the role of the kidney in acid-base regulation. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S108-S114.
  1. Bisaccia C, De Santo RM, Bilancio G, Anastasio P, Perna A, De Santo LS. The nature of water: excerpts from Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Heraclitus and Parmenides. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S103-S107.
  1. De Santo NG, Bisaccia C, Bilancio G, Romano M, Cirillo M. The nature of water: Thales’ arkhē. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S98-S102.
  1. De Santo RM, Bisaccia C, Cirillo M, Pollastro RM, Raiola I, De Santo LS. The nature of water: Greek thought from Homer to Acusilaos. J Nephrol 2009; 22 (S14):S92-S97.
  1. De Santo LS, Bisaccia C, De Santo RM. Water, from Gilgamesh Epic to Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman: a look into polywater and the memory of water. J Nephrol 2009; 22 (S14):S86-S91.
  1. Rutkowski B, Ostrowski J. Tadeusz Reichstein: from description of coffee aroma to discoveries of cortisone and aldosterone. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S80-S85.
  1. Heidland A, Klassen A, Sebekova K, Bahner U. Beginning of modern concept of inflammation: the work of Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen and Julius Friedrich Cohnheim. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S71-S79.
  1. Santoro D, Savica V, Satta E, Scaffidi M, Mallamace A, Li Vecchi M, Bellinghieri G. Impotence in the 18th and 19th century: concepts of etiology and approaches to therapy. J Nephrol 2009; 22(14):S67-S70.
  1. Bonfante L, D’Angelo A, Komninos G, Antonello A. Georg Philip Nenter and medicine “by notes” in the 18th century. J Nephrol 2009; 22 (S14):S64-S66.
  1. Savica V, Santoro D, Mallamace A, Monardo P, Davis PA, Calò LA, Li Vecchi M, Muraca U, Bellinghieri G. Phosphorus: the philosopher’s stone discovered in 1669. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S60-S63.
  1. Iorio L, Mantella D, Iorio B. “De medicina et morbis” from De rerum naturis by Rabano Mauro. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S55-S59.
  1. Jungersen K. Reception of uroscopy in Scandinavia. J Nephrol 2009; 22 (S14):S50-S54.
  1. D’Aronco MA. Ad vesice dolorem et ad eos qui urinam non faciunt (For bladder pain and when a person cannot urinate): nephrological disorders in Anglo-Saxon medicine. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14): S42-S49).
  1. Tavormina MT. Practice, theory and authority in a Middle English medical text: “Barton’s Urines Which He Treated at Tilney”. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S33-S41.
  1. Diamandopoulos A, Goudas P. Juxtaposition of Actuarius’ versus Galen’s ideas on renal physiology: the impact of 12 centuries. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S21-S32.
  1. Touwaide A. Kidney dysfunction, from the Arabic to the Byzantine world in 11th and 12th century southern Italy. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S12-S20.
  1. Massry SG. Isaac Judaeus Israeli: a Jewish founder of the origins of nephrology. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S8-S11.
  1. Eknoyan G. Armenian medicine and diseases of the kidney. J Nephrol 2009; 22 (S14):S3-S7.
  1. De Santo NG, Bellinghieri G, Touwaide A, Massry SG, Savica V, Eknoyan G. History of Nephrology: a process confronted with changing times and of those who practiced it. J Nephrol 2009; 22(S14):S1-S2.
  1. Mydlík M, Derzsiová K. The 50-year history of the Nephrology Department in Košice (Slovac Republic). J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S173-S177.
  1. Rutkowski B. Contribution of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) to Nephrology. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S166-172.
  1. Rutkowski B, Czekalski S, Lao M, Kokot F. Development of renal replacement therapy in Poland. J Nephol 2006; 19(S10):S159-S164.
  1. Czecalski S, Rutkowski B. The history of nephrology in Poland. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S150-S158.
  1. Diamandopoulos A. Rights and wrongs: changing fashions in articles on the kidney published inThe Lancet in the century between 1822 and 1923. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S144-S149.
  1. Patel PS. Overcoming the force and power of immunity: a history of immunosuppression in kidney transplantation. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S137-S143.
  1. Glassock RJ. The early history of chemical immunosuppression: 1900-1965. J Nephrol 2006;19(S10):S132-136.
  1. Blagg CR. Belding Hibbard Scribner, the individual: a brief biography. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10): S127-S131.
  1. Fiore C, Calò LA, Colombo L, Grimm CE, Armanini D. History of aldosterone on its 50thbirthday. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S124-S126.
  1. Molino D, Sepe J, Anastasio P, De Santo NG. The history of von Hippel-Lindau disease. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S119-123.
  1. Gurevich AK. Dr. Nicolay S. Korotkov (1874-1920) – The discoverer of blood pressure measurement tones. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S115-S118.
  1. Fine LG. Samuel Johnson’s illnesses. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S110-S114.
  1. Heidland A, Klassen A, Rutkowski P, Bahner U. The contribution of Rudolf Virchow to the concept of inflammation: what is still of importance?. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S102-S109.
  1. Mezzogiorno A, Iorio L, Esposito A, Flamourakis M, Esposito V. Renal diseases in John Allen’s“Synopsis Universae Medicinae Practicae …”. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S98-S101.
  1. George CRP. From Fahrenheit to cytokines: fever, inflammation and the kidney. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S88-S97.
  1. Cameron JS. The discovery of diabetic nephropathy: from small print to centre stage. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S75-S87.
  1. Eknoyan G. A history of diabetes mellitus – A disease of the kidneys that became a kidney disease. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S71-S74.
  1. Richet G, van Ypersele de Strihou C. Bilateral nephrectomy in the 19th century. Uremic toxicity: from urea to potassium. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S64-S70.
  1. Savica V, Santoro D, Mallamace A, Bellinghieri G. Impotence in the XVIII-XIX century as described by Gian Pietro Fusanacci and Tommaso Eduardo Beatty. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S58-S63.
  1. De Santo NG, Bisaccia C, De Santo RM, Perna AF, Manzo M, Di Stazio E, Cirillo M. Mariano Semmola (1831-1895): the effect of low protein diet in primary albuminuria. J Nephrol 2006;19(S10):S48-S57.
  1. Gazzaniga V, Marinozzi S. Nephrology in the Lancisi Medical Dictionary (1672-1720). J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S44-S47.
  1. Conforti M. Teaching nephrology at Naples Studium, 1650-1750. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S38-S43.
  1. Subaric-Gorgieva G. Kidney disease in medieval Serbian manuscripts from the Chilandar monastery (Mount Athos, Greece). J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S30-S37.
  1. Zydowo MM. Medicine in Pomerania and Pomezania during their conquest by the Teutonic Knights. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S22-S29.
  1. De Santo NG, Bisaccia C, De Santo LS, Cirillo M, Richet G. The build-up of clinical science. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S14-S21.
  1. Iorio L. Monastic medicine from the classic Era to the Renaissance: development of nephrology. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S9-S13.
  1. Touwaide A. The kidney from Galen to Vesalius – A first approach. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S4-S8.
  1. De Santo NG, Rutkowski B, George CRP, Zdrojewski Z, Massry SG, Eknoyan G. History of Nephrology, a prophecy in the past. J Nephrol 2006; 19(S10):S1-S3.
  1. Hierholzer K. Evamaria Kinne-Saffran (1941-2002). Obituary. J Nephrol 2004; 17(4):633-634.
  1. Blagg CR. Triage: Napoleon to the present day. J Nephrol 2004; 17(4):629-632.
  1. Campieri C, Persici E, Stefoni S. Marcello Malpighi and his academic opponents in Bologna. J Nephrol 2004; 17(4):625-628.
  1. Bellinghieri G, Santoro D, Bucca M, Savica V. Therapy of kidney diseases in poor people in France during the 18th century. J Nephrol 2004; 17(4):619-624.
  1. Von Engelhardt D. Patient vs. disease in medicine: Historical perspectives and contemporary concerns. J Nephrol 2004; 17(4):611-618.
  1. Geller MJ. Ancient medicine: The patient’s perspective. J Nephrol 2004; 17(4):605-610.
  1. Ziegler J. The physiognomist’s kidney in the fifteenth century. J Nephrol 2004; 17(4):600-604.
  1. Diamandopoulos A, Skarpelos A. Illustrious personalities of ancient and Byzantine Greece with renal problems. J Nephrol 2004; 17(4):590-599.
  1. Touwaide A. Arabic urology in Byzantium. J Nephrol 2004; 17(4):583-589.
  1. Casciani CU, Cipriani S. The first human renal transplant and the first xenotransplant in Italy. J Nephrol 2004; 17(3):479-482.
  1. Stefoni S, Campieri C, Donati G, Orlandi V. The history of clinical renal transplant. J Nephrol 2004; 17(3):475-478.
  1. Van Rood JJ. Women, pregnancy and serendipity: A personal story about the discovery of HLA. J Nephrol 2004; 17(3):467-474.
  1. Druml W, Druml C. Emerich Ullmann (1861-1937): Not only a pioneer of kidney transplantation. J Nephrol 2004; 17(3):461-466.
  1. Teschner M, Heidland A, Klassen A, Sebekova K, Bahner U. Georg Ganter – A pioneer of peritoneal dialysis and his tragic academic demise at the hand of the Nazi regime. J Nephrol 2004; 17(3):457-460.
  1. Marketos SG, Androutsos G. Charcoal: From antiquity to artificial kidney. J Nephrol 2004; 17(3):453-456.
  1. Aliotta G, De Santo NG, Pollio A, Sepe J, Touwaide A. The diuretic use of Scilla from Dioscorides to the end of the 18th century. J Nephrol 2004; 17(2):342-347.
  1. Fiore C, Calò LA, Ragazzi E, Bielenberg J, Armanini D. Licorice from antiquity to the end of the 19th century: Applications in medical therapy. J Nephrol 2004; 17(2):337-341.
  1. Oldoni M. Monastic nephrology in the school of Salerno and in an unpublished treatise in middlelatin and Italian volgare of the manuscript 2Qq C63 in the public library of Palermo. J Nephrol 2004; 17(2):334-336.
  1. Mezzogiorno A, Armone Caruso A, Iorio L, Papa M, Esposito V. Pietro Anzolino da Eboli and the thermal therapy of renal pathologies. J Nephrol 2004; 17(2):329-333.
  1. Riddle JM. Kidney and urinary therapeutics in early medieval monastic medicine. J Nephrol 2004; 17(2):324-328.
  1. Iorio L, Avagliano F. Galeno’s De Pulsis et Urinis from the Casinensis Codex 97. J Nephrol 2004; 17(2):319-323.
  1. Drummer C, Cirillo M, De Santo NG. History of fluid balance and kidney function in space. J Nephrol 2004; 17(1):180-186.
  1. Rutkowski B. Jakub Penson and his studies on acute renal failure during typhus epidemics in Warsaw Ghetto. J Nephrol 2004; 17(1):175-179.
  1. Tesař V, Kazderová M, Hlaváčková L. Rokitansky and his first description of polyarteritis nodosa. J Nephrol 2004; 17(1):172-174.
  1. Seldin DW. The development of the clearance concept. J Nephrol 2004; 17(1):166-171.
  1. Giebisch G. Homer W. Smith’s contribution to renal physiology. J Nephrol 2004; 17(1):159-165.
  1. Roels H. Norbert Goormaghtigh and his contribution to the histophysiology of the kidney. J Nephrol 2003; 16(6):965-969.
  1. Timio M, Saronio P, Capodicasa E, Timio F. Theories and controversies on urine formation. J Nephrol 2003; 16(6):961-964.
  1. Antonello A, D’Angelo A, Nalesso F, Capezzi M, Malagoli A, Pastori G, Lazzarin R, Calò L, Bonfante L, Gambaro G. Double urine circulation: Importance of pores. J Nephrol 2003;16(6):958-960.
  1. George CRP. The cellular history of the glomerulus. J Nephrol 2003; 16(6):949-957.
  1. Marinozzi S. Imaging kidneys: Unknown documents in the history of nephrology. Five consulti by Marcello Malpighi. J Nephrol 2003; 16(6):945-948.
  1. Gazzaniga V. Giovanni Maria Lancisi and urology in Rome in early modern age. J Nephrol 2003;16(6):939-944.
  1. Campbell JL, Eknoyan G. Francis Delafield (1841-1915): The original contributions of an American investigator to diseases of the kidney. J Nephrol 2003; 16(5):779-784.
  1. Fine LG. Charles Edward Isaacs (1811-1860): Exploring the details of nephron structure and function in the post-Bowman period. J Nephrol 2003; 16(5):774-778.
  1. Cameron JS, Hicks J. Sir Robert Christison (1797-1882): A neglected founder of nephrology. J Nephrol 2003; 16(5):766-773.
  1. Hierholzer K, Hierholzer J. Forgotten nephrologists: Leonhard Thurneysser and Hermann Senator. J Nephrol 2003; 16(5):760-765.
  1. Richet G, Bisaccia C, De Santo NG. P.J. Desault and the birth of nephrology (between 1785 and 1795). J Nephrol 2003; 16(5):754-759.
  1. De Santo NG, Bisaccia C, De Santo LS, Cirillo M, Richet G. Pierre-Joseph Desault (1738-1795) – A forerunner of modern medical teaching. J Nephrol 2003; 16(5):742-753.
  1. Fogazzi GB, Testanera G. The Farsighted Studies of the Italian Carlo L. Rovida (1844-1877) on the Nature of Urinary Casts. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:300-308.
  1. Hierholzer K, Hierholzer J. The Discovery of Renal Contrast Media in Berlin. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:295-299.
  1. Antonello A, Bonfante L, Favaro S, Gambaro G, D’Angelo A, Mennella G, Calò L. Hermann Boerhaave and Lithotomy: What He Thought about It. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:290-294.
  1. Barsoum N, Kleeman C. Now and Then, the History of Parenteral Fluid Administration. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:284-289.
  1. Kopple JD. History of Dietary Protein Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Renal Disease from the Mid 1800s until the 1950s. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:278-283.
  1. Fellner SK, Purkerson ML. Gordon Murray: Heparin, Hemodialysis and Hubris. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:271-277.
  1. Bellinghieri G, Santoro D, Mallamace A, Ioli A, LoGiudice L, Venniro G, Savica V. The Discovery of Nephrouroameba: Was It Real or Not?. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:266-270.
  1. Nenov VD, Nenov DS. Balkan Nephropathy: A Disorder of Renal Embryogenesis?. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:260-265.
  1. Richet G. Nephrolithiasis at the Turn of the 18th to 19th Centuries: Biochemical Disturbances. A Genuine Cascade Giving Rise to Clinical Chemistry. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:254-259.
  1. Glassock RJ. The Emergence of the Discipline of Renal Immunopathology. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:248-253.
  1. Cameron JS, Hicks J. The Origins and Development of the Concept of a ΄Nephrotic Syndrome΄. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:240-247.
  1. George CRP. Development of the Idea of Chronic Renal Failure. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:231-239.
  1. Eknoyan G. Emergence of the Concept of Acute Renal Failure. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:225-230.
  1. Timio M, Capodicasa E. Ippolito Albertini and Michael Albertus: Disparate Old and Innovative Theories on Dropsy and Edema. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:220-224.
  1. Mezzogiorno A, Mezzogiorno V, Esposito V. History of the Nephron. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:213-219.
  1. Sereni F. Pediatric Nephrology in Europe from the 16th to the 19th Century. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:207-2012.
  1. De Broe ME, De Broe L. Nephrology in the Low Countries in the 17-18th Century. Frederik Ruysch, Hermann Boerhaave. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:202-206.
  1. Massry SG, Smogorzewski M. The Hunger Disease of the Warsaw Ghetto. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:197-201.
  1. Seldin DW. Scientific Achievements of John P. Peters. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:192-196.
  1. Giebisch G. The Scientific Achievements of R.F. Pitts and V. du Vigneaud. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:186-191.
  1. Purkerson ML, Klahr S. Renal Physiology between Two Wars: The Contributions of Dr. Harvey Lester White. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:180-185.
  1. Lev E, Dolev E. Use of Natural Substances in the Treatment of Renal Stones and Other Urinary Disorders in the Medieval Levant. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:172-179.
  1. De Santo NG, Bisaccia C, De Santo RM, Touwaide A. The Pre-Vesalian Kidney : Gabriele Zerbi, 1445-1505. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:164-171.
  1. Iorio L, Avagliano F. Contributions of Monastic Medicine: From Hippocratic School to Salernitan Medical School. De urinis et pulsis secundum praecepta Dionisi. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:160-163.
  1. Ziegler J. The Medieval Kidney. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:152-159.
  1. Poulakou-Rebelakou E, Marketos SG. Renal Terminology from the Corpus Hippocraticum. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:146-151.
  1. Diamandopoulos A, Skarpelos A. Ancient Greek and Byzantine Writers on Veterinary Renal Problems. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:139-145.
  1. Eftychiadis AC. Renal and Glomerular Circulation according to Oribasius (4th Century). Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:136-138.
  1. Touwaide A. Pseudo-Galen’s De Urinis: A Multifactorial Technique of Diagnosis and a Cultural Interpretation of Color. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:130-135.
  1. Dvorjetski E. The History of Nephrology in the Talmudic Corpus. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:119-129.
  1. Kinne-Saffran E, Kinne RKH. Herbal Diuretics Revisited: From ΄Wise Women΄ to William Withering. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:112-118.
  1. Diamandopoulos A, Goudas P. The Role of the Kidney as a Religious, Cultural and Sexual Symbol. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:107-111.
  1. Geller MJ. Hippocrates, Galen and the Jews: Renal Medicine in the Talmud. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:101-106.
  1. Vincenzo Mezzogiorno: Obituary. San Sebastiano al Vesuvio (Naples), May 10, 1926; Naples, August 14, 2001. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:100.
  1. Domenico Mancino: Obituary. Palermo, February 27, 1936; Naples, October 23, 2001. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:99.
  1. Eknoyan G, De Santo NG, Shasha S, Bellinghieri G, Savica V, Massry SG. On the Continued Reconstruction of the History of Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 2002; 22:97-98.
  1. Vienken J, Diamantoglou M, Henne W, Nederlof B. Artificial Dialysis Membranes: From Concept to Large Scale Production. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:355-362.
  1. Blagg CR. The Early Years of Chronic Dialysis: The Seattle Contribution. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:350-354.
  1. Nagy J. A Note on the Early History of Renal Transplantation: Emerich (Imre) Ullmann. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:346-349.
  1. Better OS. Josep Trueta (1897-1977): Military Surgeon and Pioneer Investigator of Acute Renal Failure. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:343-345.
  1. Aliotta G, De Angelis G, De Santo NG, Sepe J, Stingo V. The History of Science: Defending Epistemology with New Technologies. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:340-342.
  1. Cioffi M, Esposito L, De Santo D, Giannattasio P, Cappabianca F, Mangiacapra S, Materiale T, Conte G. Diagnosis of Renal Disease at the Beginning of the 20th Century. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:336-339.
  1. Marketos SG, Koutras DA. Experimental Nephritis: One of the Earliest Publications on the Subject by a Pioneer of Neohippocratism. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:333-335.
  1. Newton NM, Fine LG. Inference of the Existence of High Blood Pressure as a Cause of Renal Disease in the Mid-19th Century: Observations on Vascular Structures in the Kidney. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:323-332.
  1. Sonkodi S. Hyposthenuria: Sándor Korányi’s Concept of Renal Insufficiency. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:320-322.
  1. Purkerson ML, Vekerdy L. A History of Eclampsia, Toxemia and the Kidney in Pregnancy. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:313-319.
  1. Schena FP, Strippoli GFM, Wankelmuth P. Renal Growth Factors: Past, Present and Future. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:308-312.
  1. Dal Canton I, Calligaro AL, Dal Canton F, Frosio-Roncalli M, Calligaro A. Contributions of Camillo Golgi to Renal Histology and Embryology. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:304-307.
  1. Schreiner GE. Evolution of Nephrology. The Caldron of Its Organizations. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:295-303.
  1. Kinne-Saffran E, Kinne RKH. Vitalism and Synthesis of Urea. From Friedrich Wöhler to Hans A. Krebs. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:290-294.
  1. De Broe ME, De Weerdt DL, Ysebaert DK, Vercauteren SR, De Greef KE, De Broe LC. The Low Countries – 16th/17th Century. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:282-289.
  1. Richet G. The Contribution of French-Speaking Scientists to the Origins of Renal Physiology and Pathophysiology (1790-1910). Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:274-281.
  1. Giebisch G, Berliner RW. Origins of Renal Physiology in the USA. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:266-273.
  1. Fine LG. British Contributions to Renal Physiology: Of Dynasties and Diuresis. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:257-265.
  1. Hierholzer K, Ullrich KJ. History of Renal Physiology in Germany during the 19th Century. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:243-256.
  1. Cameron JS. Carl Gottschalk – Physiologist, Bibliophile and Historian of Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:235-242.
  1. Section dedicated to: Carl William Gottschalk (1922-1997). Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:234.
  1. Eknoyan G. Santorio Sanctorius (1561-1636) – Founding Father of Metabolic Balance Studies. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:226-233.
  1. Antonello A, Calò L, Bonfante L, Mennella G, Abaterusso C, Spinello M, Favaro S, D’Angelo A. Giovan Battista Morgagni, a Pioneer of Clinical Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:222-225.
  1. Massry SG, Smogorzewski M, Hazani E, Shasha SM. Jewish Medicine and the University of Padua: Contribution of the Padua Graduate Toviah Cohen to Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:213-221.
  1. De Santo NG, Bisaccia C, De Santo LS, De Santo RM, Di Leo VA, Papalia T, Cirillo M, Touwaide A. Berengario da Carpi. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:199-212.
  1. Mezzogiorno A, Mezzogiorno V. Bartolomeo Eustachio: A Pioneer in Morphological Studies of the Kidney. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:193-198.
  1. Timio M. Gentile da Foligno, a Pioneer of Cardionephrology: Commentary on Carmina de urinarum iudiciis and De pulsibus. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:189-192.
  1. Iorio L, Avagliano F. Observations on the Liber medicine orinalibus by Hermogenes. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:185-188.
  1. Bonfante L, Calò L, D’Angelo A, Favaro S, Abaterusso C, Mennella G, Normanno M, Spinello M, Antonello A. Water and Its Effects when Drunk Cold. The Physician’s View (1576-1751). Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:182-184.
  1. Bonomini V, Campieri C, Zuccoli M. The Academy of Science of Bologna and the Kidney. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:177-181.
  1. Poulakou-Rebelakou E, Marketos SG. Kidney Disease in Byzantine Medical Texts. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:172-176.
  1. Angeletti LR, Gazzaniga V. Theophilus’ Auctoritas: The Role of De urinis in the Medical Curriculum of the 12th-13th Centuries. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:165-171.
  1. Nenov D, Nenov V, Lazarov G, Tchepilev A. Treatment of Renal Stones in Bulgaria in Ancient Times (΄Hissarya΄ Baths). Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:163-164.
  1. Gazzaniga V. Uroporphyria: Some Notes on Its Ancient Historical Background. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:159-162.
  1. Touwaide A, De Santo NG. Edema in the Corpus Hippocraticum. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:155-158.
  1. Peña JC. Pre-Columbian Medicine and the Kidney. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:148-154.
  1. Salem ME, Eknoyan G. The Kidney in Ancient Egyptian Medicine: Where Does It Stand?. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:140-147.
  1. Mujais S. The Future of the Realm: Medicine and Divination in Ancient Syro-Mesopotamia. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:133-139.
  1. George CRP. The Contribution of Nephrology to the Development of Current Concepts of Disease. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:125-132.
  1. Diamandopoulos A. Exorcisms Used for Treatment of Urinary Tract Diseases in Greece during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:114-124.
  1. Hörl WH. The Medicinal Use of Urine. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:111-113.
  1. Eftychiadis AC, Marketos SG. Saint Marina: The Protectress of Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:107-110.
  1. Maio G. The Metaphorical and Mythical Use of the Kidney in Antiquity. Am J Nephrol 1999;19:101-106.
  1. Eknoyan G, Antonello A, De Santo NG, Calò L, Massry SG. On Progress in the History of Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 1999; 19:99-100.
  1. Better OS. History of the Crush Syndrome: From the Earthquakes of Messina, Sicily 1909 to Spitak, Armenia 1988. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:392-394.
  1. Nagy J, Sonkodi S. Richard Bright in Hungary: A Reevaluation. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:387-391.
  1. Morii H, Ishimura E, Inoue T, Tabata T, Morita A, Nishii Y, Fukushima M. History of Vitamin D Treatment of Renal Osteodystrophy. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:382-386.
  1. Hierholzer K, Hierholzer J. Renal Imaging Techniques. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:369-381.
  1. Andreae L, Fine LG. Unravelling Dropsy: From Marcello Malpighi’s Discovery of the Capillaries (1661) to Stephen Hales’ Production of Oedema in an Experimental Model (1733). Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:359-368.
  1. Cameron JS, Hicks J. The Introduction of Renal Biopsy into Nephrology from 1901 to 1961: A Paradigm of the Forming of Nephrology by Technology. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:347-358.
  1. Purkerson ML, Wechsler L. Depictions of the Kidney through the Ages. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:340-346.
  1. Bisaccia C, De Santo RM, De Santo LS, De Santo D, Bellini L, De Santo NG. The Symbolism of Salt in Paintings. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:318-339.
  1. Richet G. Hamburger’s Achievement with Early Renal Transplants. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:315-317.
  1. Diamandopoulos AA. A History of Natural Membranes in Dialysis. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:304-314.
  1. Peitzman SJ. Origins and Early Reception of Clinical Dialysis. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:299-303.
  1. Gottschalk CW, Fellner SK. History of the Science of Dialysis. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:289-298.
  1. Iorio L, Nacca RG, Simonelli R. Cistercian Medicinal Herbs for Renal Therapy in the 15th Century. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:286-288.
  1. Dal Canton I, Frosio-Roncalli M, Dal Canton A. The Famous Case of Rheumatic Hematuria Described by Giammatteo Ferrari da Grado, Professor at the University of Pavia (1432-1472). Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:282-285.
  1. Bonomini V, Campieri C, Zuccoli M. Guilielmus de Saliceto and His Contributions to Renal Medicine. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:274-281.
  1. Mezzogiorno A, Mezzogiorno V. Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694). Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:269-273.
  1. Eknoyan G, De Santo NG. Realdo Colombo (1516-1559). A Reappraisal. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:261-268.
  1. DeBroe ME, Sacré D, Snelders ED, De Weerdt DL. The Flemish Anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) and the Kidney. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:252-260.
  1. Antonello A, Bonfante L, Bordin V, Calò L, Favaro S, Rippa-Bonati M, D’Angelo A. The Bursa of Hieronymus Fabrici d’Acquapendente: Past and Present of an Anatomical Structure. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:248-251.
  1. Touwaide A, Pollio A, Aliotta G, Piomelli D, De Santo NG. Medicinal Plants for the Treatment of Urogenital Tract Pathologies According to Dioscorides’ De Materia Medica. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:241-247.
  1. Massry SG, Smogorzewski M, Hazani E, Shasha SM. Influence of Judaism and Jewish Physicians on Greek and Byzantine Medicine and Their Contribution to Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 1997;17:233-240.
  1. Angeletti LR, Cavarra B. The Perì ouron Treatise of Stephanus of Athens: Byzantine Uroscopy of the 6th-7th Centuries AD. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:228-232.
  1. Diamandopoulos AA. Uroscopy in Byzantium. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:222-227.
  1. Eftychiadis AC. Diseases in the Byzantine World with Special Emphasis on the Nephropathies. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:217-221.
  1. Dardioti V, Angelopoulos N, Hadjiconstantinou V. Renal Diseases in the Hippocratic Era. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:214-216.
  1. Poulakou-Rebelakou E. Aretaeus on the Kidney and Urinary Tract Diseases. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:209-213.
  1. Marketos SG. The Parallels between Asclepian and Hippocratic Medicine on the Island of Kos. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:205-208.
  1. Marketos SG. Gregory Vosnides (1943-1996). Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:204.
  1. Calò L. In Memory of Professor Arturo Borsatti (1936-1995). Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:203.
  1. Eknoyan G, Marketos SG, De Santo NG, Massry SG. On the Order of Things in the History of Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17:201-202.
  1. Avagliano Father F. Codex Casinensis 69: Anonymi Varia Excerpta Medica (Saec. IX). Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:494-495.
  1. Coward A, Eknoyan G, De Santo NG. Codices on the Art of Medicine in the Montecassino Archives. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:488-493.
  1. Oldoni M. Uroscopy in the Salerno School of Medicine. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:483-487.
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  1. Timio M. The Urologic Tradition of Preci. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:473-476.
  1. Hierholzer J, Hierholzer C, Hierholzer K. Johann Lukas Schönlein and His Contribution to Nephrology and Medicine. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:467-472.
  1. Chevalier RL. Kidney and Urologic Disorders in the Age of Enlightenment. Am J Nephrol 1994;14:461-466.
  1. Chieffi G. Osmoregulation at the Zoological Station of Naples at the End of the 19th Century. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:458-460.
  1. Fogazzi GB, Cameron JS, Ritz E, Ponticelli C. The History of Urinary Microscopy to the End of the 19th Century. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:452-457.
  1. De Santo NG, Lamendola MG. Luciano Armanni. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:448-451.
  1. Ritz E, Küster S, Zeier M. Clinical Nephrology in 19th Century Germany. Am J Nephrol 14:443-447.
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  1. Cirillo M, Capasso G, Di Leo VA, De Santo NG. A History of Salt. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:426-431.
  1. Melillo L. Diuretic Plants in the Paintings of Pompeii. Am J Nephol 1994; 14:423-425.
  1. De Matteis Tortora M. Some Plants Described by Dioscorides for the Treatment of Renal Diseases. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:418-422.
  1. De Matteis Tortora M. Some Plants Described by Pliny for the Treatment of Renal Diseases. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:412-417.
  1. Aliotta G, Pollio A. Useful Plants in Renal Therapy according to Pliny the Elder. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:399-411.
  1. Sabatini S. Women, Medicine and Life in the Middle Ages (500-1500 AD). Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:391-398.
  1. Rossi F, Mangrella M, Loffreda A, Lampa E. Wizards and Scientists: The Pharmacologic Experience in the Middle Ages. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:384-390.
  1. Tizianello A. Beginnings of Renal Pharmacology and Early Conceptualization of Diseases of the Kidney. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:383.
  1. Aliotta G, Capasso G, Pollio A, Strumia S, De Santo NG. Joseph Jacob Plenck (1735-1807). Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:377-382.
  1. Fine LG, English JA. John Blackall (1771-1860): Failure to See the Obvious in Dropsical Patients with Coagulable Urine?. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:371-376.
  1. Cameron JS. John Bostock MD FRS (1773-1846): Physician and Chemist in the Shadow of a Genius. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:365-370.
  1. Bonomini V, Campieri C, Scolari MP, Zuccoli M. The Age-Old Spirit of Nephrology from the Oldest University in the World. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:361-364.
  1. Kinne-Saffran E, Kinne RKH. Jacob Henle: The Kidney and Beyond. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:355-360.
  1. Hierholzer K. Carl Ludwig, Jacob Henle, Hermann Helmholtz, Emil DuBois-Reymond and the Scientific Development of Nephrology in Germany. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:344-354.
  1. Federspil G, Sicolo N. The Nature of Life in the History of Medical and Philosophic Thinking. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:337-343.
  1. Dianzani MU. Bizzozero and the Discovery of Platelets. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:330-336.
  1. Schena FP. Domenico Cotugno and His Interest in Proteinuria. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:325-329.
  1. Gottschalk CW. Alexander Schumlansky’s De structura renum. Am J Nephrol 1994 ; 14:320-324.
  1. Musitelli S, Marandola P, Jallous H, Speroni A, de Bastiani T. The Medical School at Ravenna. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:317-319.
  1. Bernabeo RA. The Consilium ad Calcolum of Alberto de’ Zancari. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:313-316.
  1. Massry SG. Maimonides: Physician and Nephrologist. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:307-312.
  1. Marandola P, Musitelli S, Jallous H, Speroni A, de Bastiani T. The Aristotelian Kidney. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:302-306.
  1. Chan ELP, Masood Ahmed T, Wang M, Chan JCM. History of Medicine and Nephrology in Asia. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:295-301.
  1. Palmero JR. Nephrology from the Middle Ages to Humanism: The Italian Influence in Spain (12th– 16th Centuries). Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:290-294.
  1. Angeletti LR, Cavarra B. Critical and Historical Approach to Theophilus’ De Urinis. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:282-289.
  1. Kopple JD. The Biblical View of the Kidney. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:279-281.
  1. Eknoyan G. Arabic Medicine and Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:270-278.
  1. Marketos SG. Hippocratic Medicine and Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:264-269.
  1. Petrucelli RJ II. Monastic Incorporation of Classical Botanic Medicines into the Renaissance Pharmacopeia. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:259-263.
  1. Conte G. Empiricism versus Science in the Teaching of Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:257-258.
  1. Eknoyan G, De Santo NG, Massry SG. On the Future of the History of Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14:255-256.