The IAHN offers to its members two weeks’ free accommodation at the Nicolaos and Ioanna Lourou Foundation for the History of Medicine” in its Headquarters in Athens in order to study the History of Nephrology, making use of the local libraries and other sources. The building is located in the most prestigious Avenue in the city centre. The researchers will have free sleeping accommodation in this historical building listed by the Ministry of Culture, a welcome lunch or dinner and cooking facilities. They will cover themselves the rest of the expenses. A professor on the History of Medicine will by available for mentoring and discussing the progress of their work. Applicants should submit a short CV, the topic of their study, and a recommendation letter by a senior nephrologist or historian. By the end of their stay, they should submit a preliminary text of their work and the final copy after three months. They shall submit it also for possible acceptance in the next IAHN Congress into which the IAHN would gladly give a free registration. Knowledge of the Greek language will be highly appreciated.
Applications, three months before the proposed arrival, should be addressed to: Professor Athanasios Diamandopoulos, Nephrologist/Archaeologist, email:, tel: +030 6974026198