The International Association for the History of Nephrology (IAHN)

The International Association for the History of Nephrology (IAHN), as many good things, was created by necessity with the aim “to give voice to the many dormant historians of nephrology awaiting an opportunity to come out of the closet. Natale Gaspare De Santo, Garabed Eknoyan and Shaul G. Massry, while travelling in Poland on a  bus from Lublin to Poznan for an international event organized by  Professor Kazimierz Bączyk in 1992, gave birth to IAHN.  It is then that the goal of the society was identified, a list of dormant historians of nephrology identified, and the structure of the association shaped.

It was decided to start with a preparatory conference in Italy which took place on October 28-30, 1993, between Naples and Montecassino. The conference  was promoted  by the Second University of Naples (President Domenico Mancino), the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies (President, Avvocato Gerardo Marotta),  Baylor College of Medicine (President, William T. Butler),  and The  Benedictine  Abbey of Montecassino (Abbot Bernardo D’Onorio).  More than 80 putative historians attended the meeting. The list of speakers  included: N. G. De Santo, G. Eknoyan, S. Massry,  L. Iorio, S.G. Marketos,  C.W. Gottschalk, S. Sabatini, E. Kinne-Saffran,  N.A. Kurtzman,  A.D ‘Angelo, S. Favaro, G. Aliotta, B. Cavarra, G. Federspill,  A. Tizianello, F. Rossi, M. Timio, F.F. Avagliano, M.D.M. Tortora, J.C.M.  Chan, R.J. Petrucelli,.R. Palmero, J.S. Cameron. J.D.Kopple, T. Fogazzi, E. Ritz, M. Cirillo, V. Bonomini, G. Conte, K. Hierholzer,  L. Calò,  R. A. Bernabeo, R.K.H. Kinne, L. Fine, S. Musitelli, M. Oldoni, M. Pasca, R.L. Chevalier, A. Borsatti, L. Melillo, A. Heidland, B. Cavarra, F.P. Schena, G. Chieffi.  M.U. Dianzani, and L. R. Angeletti. A business meeting was held at the conclusion of the conference, at which it was voted to establish the International Association for the History of Nephrology.

The first Congress of the IAHN was  organized by Professor Spyros  Marketos and held on the island of Kos, Greece in October of 1996.

Eknoyan G, De Santo NG, Massry SG. On the Future of History of Nephrology. Am J Nephrol 1994; 14: 295-296

Final Day of the Founding Conference
Cloister of Abbey of Montecassino, October 30, 1993
XIII IAHN Congress ``From ancient remedies to modern medical marvels``

The 13th IAHN Congress will take place on November 15-17, 2024, Naples, Italy.

Organized by: Chair of Nephrology – University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”

Street: Pansini 5, Polyclinic, Bld. 17, 80131 Naples

Venue: Eremo dei Camaldoli, via dell’Eremo 87 – 80131, Naples, Italy
